07 Mar

Dear Ray Ray, 

My co-worker is driving me crazy with his theories of subtext in Marvel movies.  Thor: Ragnarok for instance is supposed to be some sort of social commentary about how we all live in a world built on colonialism.   I just think it’s a great action movie with some ass kicking songs.  I mean c’mon, anytime you put a Zeppelin song in a movie it makes it great.  I don’t watch Marvel movies to make me think, I watch them, so I don’t have to think. 

Help me Ray Ray, 

Why so serious         

Dear Why so Serious, 

This is tricky.  Here in the 2020s it’s frowned upon to punch co-workers in the face.  Thanks Obama.  Here are a couple of techniques to use against aggravating co-workers.  Say you would love to talk, but you behind on your TPS reports.  Yawn evertyme he talks. Tell him to write out his thoughts about the movies and email them to you.  Before you put them in the trash folder, respond with a quick “I couldn’t have said it better myself.” If none of that works, quit…after you punch him in the face. 

You’re welcome.

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