A Case Against God
God is dead.
God remains dead.
And we have killed him.
-The Madman by way of Nietzsche
Who would be so bold as to put the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob on trial and make a case against Him? Who would give him the authority to hold such a trial?
Who could and or would sit as judge and jury? Who would have the audacity to act as executioner if God were to be found guilty?
Finally, what is to happen if God is indeed executed, and where would that leave us?
"the opium of the people"
-Karl Marx on Religion
Marx and Engels were not the first to bring charges against God, but they have been the most successful. The secret to their success is the long game. So, much so they removed the dissolution of the church from their piece of fantasy fiction The Communist Manifesto. Instead, they sought to end capitalism by destroying the nuclear family. One way to destroy the family is by removing God from the family.
**Side note. I am a Christian, some days I am a good one, but many more days I am a not-so-good one, but I am always a Christian. I do understand and sympathize with many criticisms of Christians both Protestant and Catholic alyke. The main one is that they are so judgmental, to both believers and non-believers. While I am no theologian or even mediocrely versed in the Bible, I do have some thoughts on how Christians should act. I do not believe it is our job to judge behaviors outside the law. We should live a life close to scripture in a way that non-believers see God's love in us. We should be the light and example of God's grace and people will want to know the source of our happiness. Then we can point them in God's direction. Condemning leads to resentment. Now of course there are exceptions to every rule, yada yada yada. Now back to your regularly scheduled blog.**
If you control the children, you control the country. It is also true that if you can turn children from God, you can do great harm to the family.
Since the turn of the 19th century progressives, which is just another term for dirty Marxists, sought to remove God from the schools. They finally succeeded in '80, but the battle was lost in the 50s.
While the "Greatest Generation" was living high on the hog after demonstrating American exceptionalism to the world during WW2, they lost track of what makes America exceptional. While they were building cookie-cutter houses and malls, commies were slowly infiltrating the government, the schools, the news media, and Hollywood. Very few people noticed. Joseph McCarthy was one of them.
Say what you will about Joseph McCarthy and his paranoia, but he was not all too terribly wrong. He understood the threat and yes, went a little too aggressive. The news media did a great job discrediting him and the "Greatest Generation" were duped into a false sense of security. The Red Scare was in China, Korea, and Russia, not back here in America.
Even though the commies survived McCarthy, they were not making headway against capitalism. Or so we thought. The 50s saw an expansion of capitalism and church participation. The divorce rate was small and overall happiness was good.
The American dream was alive and thriving. For most people, anyway.
Segregation and Jim Crow plagued the South. This created the perfect opening for Marxists and their victimhood angle. In the 50s you would be hard-pressed to find a family going through a divorce, harder so to find a black family going through a divorce. Coincidentally, church participation was at a tyme high in the 50s as well. What happened?
The 60s happened. Colleges were all but completely taken over by Marxists, civil unrest ran rampant across the country, and people turned away from God. Also, one of the detrimental side effects of the Civil Rights Act is the monetization of the broken home. The expansion of the welfare state was a huge blow to families, especially black families.
Over the course of the last 60 decades, as church participation has gone down, violence, divorce, and unhappiness as risen at the same rate, and it continues to get worse. The presence of God in society is good for both believers and non-believers.
They have rejected me, that I should not reign over them...
So give them a king
And he will take a tenth of your seed, and of your vineyard,
And give to his officers, and to his servants…
And when the king has chosen you, you will cry out,
And the Lord will not hear you on that day
Paraphrase of God speaking to Samuel
When the country thought herself to be full of injustice and tragedy she turned her face from God, so God left and went to places where there actually was injustice and tragedy. But what is the void that was left when God left?
The void was filled with many gods. They were relatively strong gods, but none as strong as their leader, Dionysus. Dionysus, the god of ritual madness, religious ecstasy, confusion, and of course grapes.
Dionysus reigned over the other gods.
There was the god of science, the god of gender, the god of environmentalism, the god of diversity, the god of victimhood, and on and on.
**Another silly side note. Whether or not you believe in the God Almighty you do seek a system. It just happens to be that the Judeo-Christian system is the best for society. You can either buy in and accept Jesus and enjoy eternal glory, or you can reap the rewards of living in a system that was birthed in Western Civilization. Western civilization is cultural impact and thought derived from Athens and Jerusalem. Which is to say our society is derived from the Bible and from Homer.
While the Bible may be the ultimate truth there are still lessons to be learned from pagans. One of the great Christian theologians, Thomas Aquinas, called Aristotle, who was a pagan, "the philosopher" because there is so much wisdom to be learned from him.
Lykwise, you do not have to believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority in order to gain wisdom from it.
Furthermore, without reading the Bible, you will be hard-pressed to comprehend any classical writings of Western Civilization, and that goes for Homer as well.**
Again, with God gone people looked in vain for structure. And when there were no good options Dionysus came in with chaos. It is human nature to seek out structure. They are the limits we need for a functioning society. Without these structures, we have chaos.
In order to free the West of capitalism, you must remove God, then dismantle the structures that made the West great. Although slavery has existed since the existence of man, slavery has been labeled the sin of the West. The West has paid the price for slavery tenfold and better yet, when people talk of reparations, I say the American Civil War more than covers that cost.
While education is a worldwide phenomenon, mass literacy is something the West managed. Today half of Americans cannot read a book written at an 8th-grade level.
Is that by accident? Hell no. Stupid people are easier to control. Literacy can unshackle the mind. Booker T. Washington understood this, which is why he barely makes most people's list of important Black Americans, and neither does Thomas Sowell.
There is no reason our education is as dreadful as it is. With all the technology at our fingertips, we should be soaring to new heights. Instead, we are barely keeping our heads above water. Wait, there is a reason, we replaced God with Marxist values in school.
It is being spread more rampant now with Critical Race Theory. Thankfully, the left overstepped and good conservative people have pushed back.
One of the main contributions from the West is a democracy, and that is the one thing Marxists want to destroy most. How have they gone about their war on democracy? Surprise, surprise, they sought to remove God. One nation under God. Nope, one nation under Dionysus and his many gods is more lyke it.
Just take a moment and think about the world today. We live in a society where more than half have a mental disorder and church participation is at an all-tyme low. We live in a tyme where our government, our fucking government promotes the mutilation of children all in the name of the religion of gender.
We have let the environmental gods spread fear that the sky is falling without impunity. And, yes we can make changes to do better, but if you are not talking nuclear or hydrogen you are just giving lip service. We have a government-sponsored pack of lies called the 1619 Project spreading hate and it is going unchecked.
And there is Pope Fauci, who unless he asks for forgiveness, will spend eternity in Dante's 8th Circle of hell. He won't be alone either. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are all in on gender reassignment. They are perpetuating mental illness all in the name of wokeness.
The 8th Level of Hell is for those guilty of fraud: thieves, liars, cheats, sorcerers, and false prophets. So pretty much most people are in the news media, government, and the NBA.
For as I walked around and looked at your
Objects of worship, I even found an alter
With this inscription: To an unknown god
Paul in Athens (Acts Chapter 7)
So now what? We know where we are. We know where we will end up. If you don't know, it is a cross between Venezuela and the Eastern Block, with a sprinkling of Somalia. How do we reverse our trajectory? Or is the future set? As we learned in the Terminator franchise, the future is not set. There's no fate but what we make ourselves.
We could sit back and watch the snake eat itself, but to what detriment.
How many lives must be lost until the ship is righted? We could yell and scream, but have you ever argued with a drunk? It is very similar to yelling and screaming at the crazy. One thing we can do is start small. We start where it started, the schools. We need to take back the schools and that starts with school superintendents. Also, since I am a one-trick pony, unions, get rid of Teacher Unions. They are only protecting bad teachers and spreading CRT.
Get rid of them.
I recently received a survey in the mail from the VA and I normally fill these things out, but I happened to see the back and it wanted my gender information. There were 6 different options! How can I trust a medical professional to give me quality care when they do not understand basic biology? Seriously, what the hell? We need to be vocal.
We need to start winning local elections. Change your local situation. Call your local councilman or representative. Make your voice heard. But I think you all know where this blog is heading.
Go on, O Lord, and act: stir us up and call us back;
inflame us and draw us to thee;
stir us up and grow sweet to us; let us now love thee
St. Augustine's Confessions
You pick up and read Confessions for the beautiful prose; you study it for the wisdom.
Augustine's "Road to Damascus" moment came ironically after reading Saul's Road to Damascus. It was not a complicated ordeal either. Turn away from yourself and turn to God. Today, we are all wrapped up in the phenomenon of selfies. Social media has many great qualities. It gives us access to the lives of family and friends, and everyone else for that matter. But for all the good there are also the bad.
We post about ourselves and crave affirmation from family, friends, and strangers. When we don't get it, depression sets in. Instead of turning to God, we turn to snake oil salesmen (the so-called medical profession) or drugs and wine.
The social media god also perpetuates victimhood, whether it is race-based, gender-based, or word-based. Picnic is now a bad word. Go ahead and look at Stanford's forbidden word list. This is exactly the type of mental retardation we are dealing with. The only word they really love is fascism.
I would love to get into this obsession with "fascism" but that is for another tyme. Just know that if everything is fascist, nothing is fascist. Which for people on the left it is. That or racist or based on white supremacy. Blah blah blah.
The fix is easy. Turn our faces to God. Whether people accept Jesus or not, if we can at least agree that that wisdom and the systems laid out in the Bible are good and just, everything else will work its way out. Or we can let Dionysus reign over the West and let society die a quick and transgendered death.
While the West may have found God guilty, I think it is safe to say that he never truly left us, he is waiting for us to find him again.