This may come as a surprise for many of you, but this was a pretty easy blog to write, especially considering that I am a fan of his presidency. It is easy because for all the good Trump did, he was equally as bad. All of today's problems are the result of Trump's decisions.
Before we get to the bad, we have to go over a couple of his major accomplishments.
Under Trump, we were not only oil independent, but we were also net producers of oil. Today we have a president begging our competitors and our enemies for oil.
The only reason Putin can fund his war is that we are not producing enough oil to counter his supply. Only tyme will tell how many people will die because the world chose to listen to some Swedish environmental brat instead of experts. We really need to return to the ancient custom of kids being seen and not heard.
In 2018 Trump warned Germany of the dangers of depending on Russian oil and they laughed at him. Who's going to be laughing this winter when they will once again become a book-burning country, only this tyme to keep warm? The answer is no one. It is only funny when stupid people do stupid things and get embarrassed, not when stupid people get themselves killed.
It is worth saying again, America has an abundance of natural gas. So much so, that we could energize North America and Europe for 1,000 years.
Other than oil there are several other accomplishments we could go into depth such as: getting out of the Iran deal and the Paris Climate Agreement, brokering the Abraham Accords, and many others, but I believe his biggest accomplishment was revealing how corrupt our system really is.
I could say, "Hey, politicians are corrupt!" and you would respond, "And?" and then we would laugh.
It wasn't until Trump was elected that we realized how deep the deep state really is. Trump was so anti-establishment that many Republicans showed their true collars and fought him at every turn.
So, this led to Trump's first mistake. He thought he had allies where he did not have any. He should have been able to accomplish a helluva lot more considering Republicants had both the House and the Senate.
Rhinos lyke McCain and Romney were as detrimental to Trump as Pelosi and Schumer. Let's not forget, Pelosi and Schumer promised to end Trump's presidency before he even set foot in the White House. They were election deniers for Trump’s entire presidency. Democrats are nothing more than hypocritical buffoons.
Trump believed he would win the hearts and minds of the Republicants and even some Democrats. His biggest weakness was his self-confidence.
His first order of business, as should be with any newly elected president, should have been to fire every single person he had the authority to fire, and to make them reapply for their job. That is the first step if you really want to drain the swamp. It was (and still is)
Trump's arrogance and lack of testicular fortitude that ended up handicapping his presidency. A presidency that is somewhat of a combination of Nixon's and Reagan's presidencies, where he should have equaled their re-election landslides. Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda. Lyke Nixon, Trump’s fiercest enemy was (and still is) the press.
*Side note, it is long past the tyme to acknowledge that the mainstream press is nothing more than Marxist posing as journalist. It has been that way since the 50’s and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
Why did the media attach Nixon with so much passion? Because he understood the Marxist threat to America. Why did the press attack Trump with so much venom? Because capitalism is kryptonite to Marxist and Trump breathes capitalism.
Now I am going to sound lyke an asshole, but whatever. If you do not understand the dangers of Marxism or see that the majority of our mainstream news providers are Marxists warriors, then I imagine you used to lick the windows of the school bus growing up. I encourage someone to prove wrong*
So, why didn't he win re-election? He lost because of his two main shortcomings, his crassness, and more importantly his Covid response. I will never understand how people chose Biden over Trump based purely on lykability. Lykability does not put more money in your pocket or make the world a safer place. So many people, even smart ones if you can believe it, chose higher gas prices over mean tweets.
Everyone knew gas was going to go up once Biden took office. He promised it would. But hey, money is not an issue for some people.
Because of Trump's commitment to being crass, he handicapped his re-election bid in a major way. People could not look past the things he said, which he said a lot, how he said those things, which was not close to being “presidential” and differentiate those said things with the things he actually did.
To be honest, I think Trump said a lot of shit just to watch the media lose their ever-loving minds
A bigger reason Trump lost was because of his Covid response. His bundling of the "pandemic" is why we are in a pickle now. His mishandling of Covid has led to unknown damages to the youngest generation, gave enough oxygen to the BLM movement to burn down cities across America, and destroyed millions of livelihoods.
All of those atrocities happened because of Trump's biggest sin, not firing Fauci. Fauci should have been fired in March 2020. It is immeasurable how much better off the world would be if that had happened. Fauci's "recommendations" started a tidal wave of government overreach to the lykes the world has never seen before. The Mask Mandates, Six Foot Rule, Rent Moratorium, Remote Learning, and on and on.
Trump had a chance in the beginning to set the tone, but he fucked it all up. His fuck up cost us way too many lives and way too much money. All he had to do was take the Swedish approach. Protect the vulnerable and let everyone else go about their business and pick up whatever slack remained.
By many metrics Sweden fared better than most of the world during the pandemic, especially concerning mortality rates. Sweden had by far the least restrictions during Covid and the least suffering.
Instead, Trump let that vile little man dictate how we would respond to Covid. That little man got insanely drunk on power, and we will have to live with the hangover for years.
If it wasn’t so fucked up it would be laughable listening to people on the left admitting that lockdowns and masks were wrong. They are claiming ignorance. They have been lyke, “Oops, my bad”
Oops? Really? I will never be mistaken as being someone with any sense of intelligence. It has been previously noted that my I.Q. hovers between 46-48 depending on temperature and the tide. Yet despite all of the limitations hindering my brain’s processing capabilities, I understood our response (in April of 2020) was not only ineffective it was criminal.
Mask exports said it loudly, until they were silenced, that cloth masks were ineffective. As Fauci put it, they were mainly a symbol of obedience, or ignorance depending on were you stand.
People were arrested for paddle boarding. By themselves! In the ocean!
In short, Trump ended up being his own worse enemy. What got him elected in the first place? He fought back against the establishment. When he was criticized, he criticized back. We have been so used to Republicans meekly defending themselves when they are criticized. Romney, that pansy, used to apologize for being rich. Trump on the other hand exaggerated his wealth.
We have become so used to Republicans taking a defensive stance when facing off against the media. Trump went full throttle against the mainstream media, and they despised him for it. The more the media despised him the more Main Street America loved him for it.
But Trump did not fight back hard enough against the religion of Fauci.
His vulgarity combined his Covid response and that is how we ended up with a walking corpse for a president.
Because Trump failed to win re-election we have been forced to endure Biden and the left’s woke ideology. Inflation, gas, energy, and the sexualization of children are the Biden agenda and it all could have been avoided if Trump would have talked just a shade nicer and not let Fauci and the CDC dictate policy.
We should be grateful that Trump started a movement to make America great again, but because of his failures, it is tyme we move past him.
But for all his shortcomings at least he is not for the mutilation of children as our current president is. Any vote for democrats is a vote for child mutilation.
Join me next tyme when I piss more people off and make my case against God.
Just know that even if we disagree, I love each and every one of you.