I have recently joked about how hard it is going to be critical against the Republican party, but as I stated, that was all in jest. I am a Republican despite Republican leadership. I am a Republican because it is the party of compassion, freedom, and limited government.
I despise Republican leaders because they are inept, spineless, and corrupt. And yet they are still a far better party than the democratic party, especially from a humanitarian perspective. Let's dive in.
I am not sure if Republican ineptness and failure are by design or by incompetence. The latter is far more forgivable than the former. This upcoming election should be a cakewalk, instead, it's going to be a tossup.
Republicans refuse to capitalize on the democratic party's major blunders, immigration, inflation, mutilation of children, and so on. Instead, they propose new legislation (with zero chance of success) that will federally ban abortions after 15 weeks.
It is no secret that I am a pro-lifer, but even as much as I would support a national abortion ban, this is not the tyme or place for this discussion. Right now, it is correctly up for the states to decide. Trying to put up some symbolic bill that will pass will do nothing but galvanize the left.
During Pres. Trump's term in office, the so-called "Never Trumpers" were more of a hindrance to Trump than the democrats. Republicans are the reason we do not have a border wall. They deserve some of the blame. I hope they feel guilt and shame everytyme a woman and child are raped trying to make it to America.
There is a popular theory, and although I do not fully agree with it, I will also not argue against it, which is that Republicans do not actually want a majority. They would rather stay in the minority and just complain about legislation instead of creating it. It is hard to argue that given the way that they are just sort of moseying around D.C.
Republicans seem to just want to do enough tyme in the Senate or the House of Reps in order to grab some highly lucrative lobbying job. How do you fix it?
You abolish private lobbyists. Boom. You use the same model as our public defender system (undermanned and underfunded ha-ha) and give it a shot. It has to be less corrupt than the system we are doing now. Look at me advocating for more government. You would think I am a progressive.
Private lobby firms pay former politicians (especially Republicans) insane amounts of money to sell out America. I personally think it's treasonous and these traitors should be charged and punished accordingly. I'm looking at you, David Vitter!
This brings us to how Republicans are spineless. Republicans are so used to defending themselves against being called racist that they are too afraid to point out that it is the democratic party that is filled with racists.
Imagine if some right-wing nut job, dressed up lyke a gorilla and threw white paint on Obama before he was president. Think about it for a second, I'll wait….
The streets would still be smoldering! Or if that McConnell dingleberry would call any legislation Coy Booker introduces as a "Token" bill, how long would the media call for his head?
So when these things happen to black Republicans the media, understandably, does nothing because it does not fit the narrative that they have carefully crafted, and Republican leadership doesn't do anything because either they are cowards or worse, they secretly crave approval by the same people who despise them. Pathetic. What are kids calling it nowadays, thirsty?
*Man, I really want to go off the rails on Republican leadership right now, but I am trying to be less abrasive in my writings, so just go ahead and imagine all the names I am calling Republicants right now*
Where is the outrage over the whole Russia hoax? Why aren't the Republicans publicly going after the authors of the Steele Dossier?
Where is the outrage over Biden handing over billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban and at the same subjecting millions of women and girls to barbarism?
Why are they not screaming to the Heavens about the castration and mutilation of our children? Our children, for God's sake! They sit back and do nothing. Fuck you, you fucking fucks!
While we are in the general playground, I do not understand why women are not more upset about drag queens. It is nothing more than gender blackface. Drag queens are a caricature of women. And now these caricatures are in a sense grooming our children. What the actual….
Except for Rand Paul, Republicans in the national arena have also been submissive to crony science with a political agenda. While DeSantis and Florida excelled during the "pandemic", the rest of the republicans were so weak they might as well have been complicit.
We have done irreparable harm to children. Shame! Shame on Republicans for being too afraid to go after the evil that is the Teacher's Union and Fauci.
If the Republicans had any semblance of testicular fortitude, they would win the House and the Senate and impeach Biden on the grounds of Human Rights Violations. Heaven only knows the suffering caused by Biden and his policies.
The last point, albeit not the least by no stretch of the imagination is the corruption that I believe is rampant in the Republican party. You ever wonder why there is bi-partisan support for Ukraine. Ukraine is known as one of the most corrupt countries in the Eastern Bloc, and that is saying a lot.
Who is the loudest Republican cheerleading for Ukraine? Lindsey Graham. What is Ukraine's biggest export? Laundered campaign funds. Hmmm
*By the way, if Russia is your neighbor, why the hell haven't you armed to the teeth years ago?*
While most politicians are corrupt, I believe it is far worse when Republicans are corrupt. Just lyke how stealing is bad, it is worse when a cop steals. I, because of naivety and a touch of willful ignorance, would support harsher consequences for Republicans who have proven to be corrupt more so than corrupt democrats.
I mean, it's hard to be too mad at a dog pissing on the floor, it is the dog's nature to piss on the floor.
Even with all these points against the Republican party, I will still vote for them. Why? Because they still, publicly at least, believe in America.
The democrat party has tyme and tyme again stated that they wish to abolish the Constitution and we should take their word for it. The democrat party has stated that since the Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade that we should either pack the court or abolish it too.
When the left does not get what they want, they claim corruption or racism. People need to wise up and know that, that dog doesn't hunt no more. When the right doesn't get what they want they kick dirt and say, "aw shucks".
Either that or some farther than right than the vast majority of conservatives get suckered into doing something stupid by the F.B.I. That's right, the F.B.I. An institution the left says is beyond reproach.
The same F.B.I. that has been warned about several of the most recent mass shooters and did nothing. Why? Because they are too busy trying to radicalize right-leaning conservatives.
We will go over F.B.I. at some point, just not today. The point is that Republicans refuse to call out the fact the F.B.I. acts on behalf of the democratic party and unjustly investigates their political opponents without impunity.
The Mitch Romneys of the party think they are above questioning and accusing our so-called National Police. Romney should be charged with impersonating a Republican.
So, I kind of got off point a little bit there, but that's ok. The point is clear. Republicans are not dangerous. The democratic is the party of chaos, destruction, rape, and mutilation.
Who would you rather, an inept baboon or someone who advocates for healthy breast chopped-off girls and the castration of boys?
The choice is yours.