Have you wondered why the mainstream media and Democrats have been hell-bent on calling January 6th “the day of the insurrection”? It’s all about the 14th Amendment. Using the word insurrection is very important, not just for getting rid of Trump for good, but for also removing 147 Republicans from the House and Senate. That is exactly what Cori Bush and Pelosi want to do. Marjorie Greene is just the beginning. You combine the removal of that many Republicans with the number of future Democrats (illegals heading to the southern border), we will see a major facelift in America. And it won’t be the Madonna facelift, it will be more of a Melanie Griffith facelift. The troubling thing about this is the fact that almost half of Americans voted for this. Forgive them for they know not what they do. They should have known, but they have been drinking the cool-aid those fucks in the news fed them.
There used to be two adages in the news; if it bleeds, it leads, and sex sells. Racism has now trumped them both. In itself, racism baffles me, but since I am apparently a white supremacist, I should probably get caught up to speed. To me, racism is the belief that one race is naturally superior to another race. It is an ideology that I do not believe in or has any scientific or ethical merit, but whatever. While having a racist opinion is legal, it is not only illegal but also immoral to act on it. I believe it is also immoral to claim that acts of racism exist where it does not. As I pointed out in my blog about the police, there is zero evidence that we live in a racist police state. In the coming weeks I will do an entire episode of race in America, but today I want to complete my miniseries on the news and specifically about how they report racism.
For years news reports would show black suspects in aggressive stances or would display their mugshots while showing white suspects in a more non-threatening light or simply in police custody. That may not seem like a big deal, but it is. It paints a picture that the black man is more dangerous or threatening than his white counterpart. This biased depiction in the news shaped the way white Americans view their black brothers and sisters. If there is any truth about systematic racism it is in the news.
In an attempt to “change”, the news made overcorrections, why? Was it an attempt to fulfill their moral obligations and depict the news fairly? Fuck no. Racism is the new sex, and it sells a lot.
The news has become very clever when reporting on racism. They use phrases lyke, “and yet another unarmed black man” or terms lyke, “disproportion”. These are dangerous uses of the English language that are meant to deceive and convince our poorly educated citizens there is a racism problem. Thanks, education!
Are there racist people in America? Yes. Is there systemic racism? Not to the extent the news media would lyke us to believe. If you put any situation under a microscope you can find evidence of racism, sexism, fascism, or any other kind of ism out there. We cannot or should not look at life through a prism of gotcha. Life is so much bigger than that, and we are so much better than that.
How many tymes does a “racist” incident occur and the news media talks to a person of color that contradicts the Rev Al Sharpton? If someone of color disagrees with Sharpton types, they are immediately considered an "Uncle Tom" or a paid pawn of the Republican party. Just look how the media treated Tim Scott when he proposed legislation concerning policing minorities. The Dems and the media called it a "token" gesture. What? Give me a break. The media walks on eggshells when talking to or about black voices unless of course, that black voice happens to be conservative.
Larry Elder is constantly accused of looking at statistics and not humanity. What the fuck does that even mean? I agree that statistics can be a flawed way to tell the whole picture, but they help put that picture in focus. There are many black conservatives lyke Elder that are not allowed to give their view of race in the mainstream media. Yet, Black Lives Matter has an open invitation.
Black Lives Matter is an excellent example of brilliant marketing. The name itself is something that every person should support. How much tyme has the mainstream media spent on investigating the group itself? Exactly. We need to be exposed to different angles of a story so we can truly be informed and develop opinions that represent our own ideals.
The Fairness Doctrine came about in a tyme when it was needed, lyke unions. When Americans had limited radio channel options, the radio stations possessed lots of power. If the owner of a station lyked a certain politician, he would give unlimited air tyme promoting his friend. This of course would give one voice an obscene amount of advantage to one candidate over his rival. Enter the Fairness Doctrine. Equal tyme to different positions of the day. Once the Fairness Doctrine was removed in the late 80s, we got the birth of talk radio as we know it. We now have many choices, which is a good thing, but should implement the Fairness Doctrine again?
I think we should, but not an all-consuming one. I think the big 4 networks should be under the Fairness Doctrine regulations, and everyone else do whatever. One caveat, just lyke when we put an "R" or "D" in front of a politician's name, we should do the same for reporters and anchors. If we did this, I would bet most conservative reporters would put an "R" by their name, while liberals would try to be slick and put an "I" instead. Some of us would see through that bullshit and most of our fellow citizens would not. Unfortunately, we live in a tyme when the news does not instill confidence and it will take a long tyme for them to earn back our trust. All we can do is stay vigilant and take whatever those assholes say with a grain of salt. Look for different sources and try to come up with your own truth, who gives a rat’s ass what Chuck Todd has to say anyway.
Well, that wraps up the shitshow miniseries about the news. We could go on and on about their dishonest tactics, but I am ready to move on. Next week lobbyist. If I got something wrong or forgot to add something, go ahead and leave a comment, and don’t worry, I do not censor. Have a wonderful week, and go Chiefs, fuck Brady. Think, laugh, and have your emotions bring you to tears everyday.