30 Jan

Welcome back to the world of misinformation.  Before we continue on our journey through the world of journalism and reporters, a place where TMZ has a higher confidence rate than NBC, let that sink in a moment, let’s have a week in review.  Pudding Brain Joe did a couple of things that I somewhat agree with.  I say somewhat because don’t the full extent of his proposals.  He wants to end contracts of private prisons and he raised the preference rate for buying American goods.  The Buy American Plan has been around since the ‘30s and it has merit, but at what cost.  We shall see.  I know I promised an introduction to our next president, Lil’ Miss Chucks, and Pearls, but I am trying to keep the blogs short.  I will say this when you can only have a thousand people at a Presidential Inauguration, how the hell do you pick Jacob Blake's family?  I guess frontline workers could not pass the background checks.  The real answer, the mainstream media.

             Last week we discussed a little bit about how the mainstream loves to attack certain people.  This week, we will get into the why.  For starters, most people in mainstream media are elitist blowhards who think we must bow down before them and thank them for telling us how to think.  More importantly, the news media is nothing more than the mouthpiece of the Leftist Democrat Party.  They used to be able to hide it, but then something extraordinary happened.  Most people saw through their bullshit and voted Donald Trump into the Whitehouse.  The looks on their faces as they were forced to announce that Trump was the president-elect was priceless.  They were angered that the people did not do what they expected and told them to do.  I give them credit though.  After the 2016 election, the mainstream media regrouped and went full throttle at Trump for 4 years.  With a full-court press and few dead votes here and there, they did it.  They defeated the mean orange man.  Trump made the news media look ridiculous, and now we will all pay for it.

             Last week I saw an interview that is the perfect example of how modern news works.  Take the tyme to watch Rand Paul expose George Stephanopoulos.  Now think back to when the news used to give you both sides of an issue.  It has been a long tyme since that’s happened.  The mainstream news is nothing more than propaganda.  2020 will go down as one the most one sighted news eras of American history.  The most fucked up thing is that most Americans are too stupid to see it.  Their word was law and if you questioned it you were labeled a COVID-19 denier, a conspiracist, or worse, a racist.

              Let’s start with the pandemic.  COVID-19 is real, there are no two ways about it.  But (you knew there would be one), the shutdown will prove to be much worse.  The Dems were able to encompass Churchill's words and took advantage of the crisis.  But the Democrat-run cities needed the news outlets to "justify" their lockdowns.  The news outlets were more than willing accomplices in the crisis push.  How many opposing views of the anointed Dr. Falsy (yeah, I refuse to call that glory hound by his given name) did the news report about?  None.  And if a scientist did get their research out, the news would dub them a crackpot.  We deserve to hear all sides of an issue, and if someone says there is only one side, that person is full of shit.  That’s the kind of dangerous tactics used by governments in China, Russia, and North Korea.  So why didn’t we hear about opposing research and the dangers of lockdowns?  The election.

              This political game is the direct cause of tens of thousands of deaths.  Those fuckers went on the tele every single day and said this virus is the worse virus in the history of ever.  They said that bullshit every fucking day, posting rising death rates, and total infections without any concern of the side effects.   Rare did they report the survival rate, which according to the CDC, the science we are supposed to trust, reports that 998 out of 1,000 people infected will be alright.  I am not intending to undermine the severity of the virus; I am simply saying that we need to have perspective when dealing with COVID.  The doom and gloom that the mainstream media reported resulted in significant rises in domestic abuse, suicides, drug addictions, and drug overdoses.  Depression rates among our children are at historic highs.  The news media has blood on their hands.  I will even go as far as to say, without any evidence because facts don’t matter anyway, that the media oligarch is responsible for more deaths than all of the murders in Chicago, New York, and New Orleans combined.  Fuck you, Today Show, FUCK YOU!

             The news even tried to vilify states that didn’t impose widespread lockdowns.  Even as studies show that lockdowns have not slowed the spread of the virus, they have made it their mission to attack states that went against their will.  Instead of reporting the news, they have inserted themselves into the news.  Shame!                 Again, because I would hate to be called a COVID denier, I say with all sincerity that the virus is real and serious.  It is more serious for some groups of people.  We have an obligation to protect the vulnerable.  The high-risk people needed to be quarantined, and the rest of us should have been allowed to make sure those people had something to come back to when the pandemic is under control.  Because we live in a capitalistic country the buying of goods and services are our lifeblood.  Those vindictive fuckers made it their mission to force 20million people to lose their jobs.  Why?  Because they hated Donald Trump that much.  History will show that Samantha Guthrie was more deadly than COVID 19.

               Those ivory tower dooms day reporters are not stupid; they know how economics works.  People buy shit because they do, other people keep their jobs and use their pay to buy other shit.  Everytyme shit is bought and sold, taxes are collected.  Those taxes are used to fund our cities and states.  When you restrict the buying and selling of shit, you force people on the government's teat.  Sooner or later there will be more people on the government teat than those filling up said teat.  None of it matters anyway since our elected "leaders" just print more money anyway.  One of Trump's most touted accomplishments was the strong economy and low unemployment rate, especially for blacks.  The news media’s number one objective was to destroy the economy at all costs, mission accomplished.

              The media mob can report all day that Trump supporters are domestic terrorists, and I will not deny that there is a tiny percent of supporters that are fucking nuts.  The truest threat to America is the news, plain and simple.

              Next week I will continue the fake news series and talk about their role in racism.  Fun, huh.  So just keep on keeping on my friends.          

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