26 Jan

I am so glad I waited so long to write about the media.  The before Biden inauguration to after inauguration news has been awesome.  What a difference a couple of days make.  One day news reporters are appalled and devastated because of the January 6th “disturbance”, and now those same imposters are fawning over a couple of dogs.  Before we get lost in that swamp of despair, we might as well take a look at the D.C. swamp of idiots.  So how did our Commander in Depends fair in his first few days?  Busy, that’s for sure.  With a few strokes of the pen, he first eliminated over 10,000 jobs by stopping the pipeline, he then rejoined the WHO which means the U.S. alone funds 25% of that Chinese run organization, and to appease that dumb shit AOC he signs us back into the Paris Accord, which is nothing more than a global redistribution of wealth.  So, he pretty much added another $2trillion to our already excessive debt, but on the bright side, he didn't hurt anyone's feelings with mean tweets.  By the way, that is going to be my response to all the stupid and dangerous ideals this administration forces upon us in the foreseeable future.  At least he is nice on Twitter because that is what really matters.  I had planned on doing an introduction to Kamala this episode, but Biden overshadowed the pearls and chucks this week.


 In order to discuss the “new normal” news, we must first define what news is.  It is nothing more than information about current events.  I think most of us agree that we want a Joe Friday approach with "Just the facts, ma'am" when watching the news.  We also want world peace, the end of hunger, and a Who Dat Superbowl.  We might as well wish in one hand and …  To simplify things, we are going to remove a couple variables that are part of our news intake.  Channels lyke CNN, FNC, OAN, MSNBC are all off the table because they represent editorialized news.  I have no problem with EN (Editorialized News) or opinionated news.  When you watch those news channels, you understand that it is being slanted either to the left or to the right.  If you don’t know that, then shame on you.  I gave up on FNC years ago, long before they called Arizona early for Biden.  I left after they tried to turn Clive Bundy into a hero.


 My big issue is with broadcast news.  News that does not require a subscription to watch.  News that has been dubbed “Fake News” for the better part of the last four years.  For me, the chicken and the egg are Trump’s candidacy.  How biased was the news before Trump?  I don’t really know the answer.  I do know when my eyes were opened.  It was Trump's press conference a few days after the Charlottesville tragedy.  That rat-faced bitch Cuck Todd faked outrage and said he was horrified by Trump's comments.  Give me a break!  That press conference was just the beginning.  They would go on and on about Trump mocking someone's disability.  No, he mocked someone with a disability, there is a big difference.  We could write pages on Russia, drinking bleach, Ukraine, and plenty others, and it all comes back to one thing: misrepresenting the facts.  Hell, there is a video of Biden doing exactly what they impeached Trump for the first tyme, and the so-called news media just ignores it.


Trump was not the only victim of modern-day news attacks.  Where was journalism integrity during the Nick Sandman fiasco?  What kind of journalist looks at an edited clip on Twitter, and concludes it is the full story?  A fake one?  Maybe.  A lazy one for sure.  The broadcast news ripped that kid apart before even attempting to find out the whole story.  People in the EN went as far as saying that they wanted to punch the kid.  Samantha Guthrie’s interview with the kid was a complete waste of tyme and pathetic.  The fact the kid was wearing a MAGA hat, was all the proof she needed to condemn him.  I am glad Nick is going to end up pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars.  

And again, we could go on and on about Sandman and Justice Kavanaugh, and their media treatment, but we must move on.  Since this topic is going to take a couple episodes, I will finish this week with integrity and trust.  I hate using polls to make my argument, but it’s all can do right now.  According to an Axios poll, 46% of people trust traditional news media.  When your main job is reporting facts, and more than half the people don’t trust you, you have a problem.  Is it a wonder that sites lyke QAnon get any traction?  Brian Williams fell from grace when he said his helicopter was shot down in Iraq.  Hillary made a similar claim about her tyme over there, but the media let her slide.  This habitual lying is at least bipartisan.  The left and the right both lie in the news. I believe that lying is a natural fact of life, just hang out with a toddler for any amount of tyme.  But we deserve better than that excuse.  Since the inception of government, mankind has accepted that politicians were liars.  I say since we put up with them, we should not have to put up with lying in our news.  If we really want our country to come together it must start with the news.  Wouldn’t it be nice if a news program said, “the most trusted news in America” and it actually meant something?              

In an effort to keep these blogs manageable, this will conclude part one of the news blog.  Apparently, most of you lose interest if the blog is too much longer than a meme.  That was a joke, you may laugh.  Next week I will explain why the news media should be held responsible for a lot of the death and destruction that happened in 2020.  Stay frosty, my friends.

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