Well played Democrats, well played. It took a global pandemic, a slew of false claims, and the unwavering support from big tech and the mainstream media, but you did it. You brought down those unsympathetic, racist Republicans. Even with all the help, you needed one more piece of the puzzle. You needed the never Trumpers. The Romneys and the Murkowskis were also instrumental in the beatdown of the Republican party. Even that may not have been enough if not for some "voter irregularities", whatever that means. So now that the Dems have the House, the Senate, and the White House (soon to be used as a dementia care facility), what is there to do for Republicans in D.C.? I'm glad you asked. Absolutely nothing. I say to the Republicans with some semblance of a backbone, leave D.C. Leave that swamp for a nicer one. Go to where Elder Kevin Price says is the greatest place in the world, Orlando.
The following is an email I sent to our senators and one congressman today. It is pretty much the CliffsNotes of the first 10 episodes of this blog.
Dear Sirs,
I am writing to you all in hopes of finding out your plans for the future of the Republican party and offer my humble suggestions. It may seem radical but hear me out. Until the mid-terms, you have zero chance of making a difference in D.C. I suggest you all come home for six months and get to know your constituents. You should have an open-door policy and conduct a plethora of town hall meetings.
You need to find out what makes us tick and what moves us. You might even learn something useful.
You attempting to thwart the opposition is fruitless and a waste of taxpayer dollars. The only thing Democrats can hold over Republicans is their straight-ticket voting. Pelosi and Schumer run things now and there is nothing to be done until the mid-terms anyway. You can eloquently present the most compelling arguments and it will not sway them.
Do not waste the tyme and energy playing their game. Now is the tyme to regroup and rebuild the Republican party.
I say again, come home and convince other Republicans to do the same. Let the Romneys stay in D.C. They are cancer to true Republicans. After you get a feeling of what the people you represent need and want, the New Republican party should meet in Orlando six months later. Once there, you should spend another six months forming a strategy for retaking the House and the Senate.
In my opinion here are some key issues you should concentrate on:
1) Spending. One of the cornerstones of the Republican party is fiscal responsibility. It starts with you. For decades we the people have been promised that the budget would be reduced, and it has not happened. You need to put your money where your mouth is. I suggest you propose a new PayScale for Congressmen and Senators. Your pay should reflect the people you represent.
At a macro level, we could save roughly $60million a year if you made the same amount of money that the average American earns. While $60million is nothing as it concerns the budget, but it means a great deal to people who feel disenfranchised by their government. And there are a lot of us.
2) Reduction of a bloated government. The federal government is ridiculously huge. This next year you need to audit yourselves. You need to identify useless agencies and either find a way to eliminate them or have another agency engulf them.
You cannot simply tell potentials, voters, that you want to reduce the size of government. You need to explain to us what agencies you want to get rid of and how you plan on doing it. We were promised a healthcare plan four years ago and we are still waiting. People do not trust politicians; you can change that with concrete plans.
3) Immigration. Amnesty is not an option. But probationary citizenship is. The easiest and most economical way to do so is with temporary social security cards where they pay 12% for 15 years versus 6.2% citizens pay. It should also be one strike you are out. You also need to punish employers who use illegal labor. The punishment should be a $100,000 fine per illegal.
This is not a comprehensive list of issues that are important for Republicans, but it is a starting point. Now is not the tyme to be gracious losers, now is the tyme to rebuild. The best way to do so is to leave D.C. Use Pelosi's words against. Participating in this new legislation only legitimizes the presidency.
She has been saying something to that effect for four years. Do not play her game on her terms.
The Democrats need Republicans to play the villain role. They know they cannot fulfill all of the promises they made during the election, so they are counting on you to fight them. Even though you cannot beat them with votes, they want you to push back anyway. They want this so they can scrap some of their disastrous programs in an attempt to compromise with Republicans. It is all for show. They want to play the compassionate card. They want to claim that they represent all Americans and are willing to cross party lines. Do not fall for it.
Aside from D.C., you should also steer clear of the mainstream media, including FOX. You need to build your base from a ground roots standpoint. You need to work with conservative bloggers and podcast hosts. I would also distance myself from the alt-right platforms. Conservative Republicans do not share the same values as those far-right Republicans. Your base message should be one of fiscal responsibility and assisting Americans to achieve greatness, not one of redistribution of wealth and overspending.
You still need to investigate the irregularities of the election, but it should not be the main task. The main reason for investigating it should be to ensure the next election is above board and undisputable.
This past election was akin to the Nola no-call in the Superdome. There is nothing to be done about it, but we should be able to fix it better than the NFL's attempt to fix pass interference.
We will stand behind you if you are willing to fight, but only if you fight smart. If you all go to D.C. and scream loud and just bang your head against the wall, we will not stand behind you. We will just see it as shallow gestures with no intention of making a real difference.
You have an uphill battle and I hope you are steadfast in your resolve. God bless you and God bless the United States of America
Ray Williams
That is what I suggest our elected officials do, but what about us? What can we do? Not much at all. We can annoy our representatives until they listen to us. We can pray. We can also take a page out of the left's playbook and try to pressure sponsors of CNN and other left-wing news sources. That would take far too much effort for little or no results, however. Republicans are not effective at boycotting or being the squeaky wheel, but what else is there. Even if everyone hash browned not my president, the only thing we would accomplish is looking stupid and desperate.
What about what happened at the capital last week? Was it uncalled for? Yes. Was it treasonous? Some people say so, I don't think they deserve death for what they did. They should be arrested and charged with destruction of property and disorderly conduct at the very least. Was it comparable with 9/11 and Pearl Harbor as many in the news have claimed? Hell no. Was it comparable to the 160 days of riots and occupation of American cities by BLM? Not even close. They attempted to disrupt a broken branch of our government. What they did was understandable, but not condonable. The most unfortunate thing to come out of it has been censorship. They have been able to team up with big tech to censor and silence conservative talk. Just look at donation numbers from the top 5 big tech companies for Biden versus Trump.
Over $12million for Biden and barely $750thousand for Trump. Why is that?
Some believe it is because big tech wants to be publishers while at the same tyme have the protections of being a platform. There is more to the story than just what meets the eye. Why is not important right now. What is important is that free speech is under attack by the Democrats and the media and big tech is supporting them.
The Dems are right to be afraid of Trump. Not because of violent mobs. They proved over the summer they do give a fuck about people's personal safety or people's private property and businesses destroyed by anarchists. They are afraid that Trump will come back in 4 years lyke Godzilla. I have serious doubts he can or will come back, but the Dems are deftly afraid of it.
The only thing left to do is do what we have always done. Get up in the morning, kiss our spouse, and go back to work. Enjoy the little things and pray that Dems don't mess up our country too much. $15 hour to say, "Welcome to Good Burger, Home of the Good Burger, may I take your order?" Get out of here with that nonsense. Anyway, take care of yourselves and the ones around you. Jimmy V and all dat.
'Til next week.